Twitter Users Statistics 2016

Posted by GMI Research Team Posted in Uncategorized

Dec 12 2015 at 1:41am

Twitter, a popular social media platform known for its “tweets” is expected to have a growing customer base in 2016.  It was founded by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, Evan Williams in March 2006 at California. Take a look at the infographics below to get a better idea of its user behavior in 2016.


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There are 325 million monthly active Twitterati out there and 500 million tweets are sent per day.

The male & female distribution, 45% Male tweeple & 55% Female tweeple.

The age distribution of the tweeple – 18-29 = 37%, 30-49 = 25%, 50-64 = 12% & 65+ = 10%.

Top 5 countries tweeting are USA, Japan, India, UK & Spain.

Top 5 brands on Twitter are Charmin, Old Spice, Smart Car, Taco Bell & Oreo.

Click below to know more details on each of the top Infographics
Social Media Users Statistics Infographics 2016>
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No matter what type of business you are, you can use Twitter to build meaningful connections with the right audience. If you would like to grow your business through Twitter, get in touch with our social media experts at Global Media Insight today.

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