LinkedIn Users Statistics 2016

Posted by GMI Research Team Posted in Uncategorized

Dec 8 2015 at 4:39am

LinkedIn, is slowly growing in its network and its reach is sure to grow in the coming years. This business-oriented social networking platform was was founded by Reid Hoffman in May 2003 at California. Take a look at the infographics below to assess the LinkedIn user behaviour.


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The most popular professional networking site has 414 million registered members in it, and another 100 million active users, every month. Every second, 2 members join the portal. Every month, a member spends 17 minutes of his/her time while on the site. This widely used expert platform is available in 200 countries.

Male/Female distribution – 54% Male members & 46% Female members

Age distribution of members: 18-29 = 23%, 30-49 = 31%, 50-64 = 30% & 65+ = 21%.

Top 5 countries on LinkedIn are  USA, India, UK, Brazil & Spain.

Top 5 countries posting on LinkedIn are USA, India, Japan, UK & Brazil.

Click below to know more details on each of the top Infographics
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Would you like to grow your business through LinkedIn? Get in touch with our social media experts at Global Media Insight today, and we can provide you with the best strategies to grow your business not just with LinkedIn, but through other social media marketing platforms as well.

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