Posted by GMI Research Team Posted in Analytics

Jul 2 2021 at 10:45am

Enterprise businesses need enterprise-level analytics solutions. If you have expired the free features of your Google Analytics Standard subscription, chances are you are looking for a more robust, enterprise-level analytics solution that meets your requirements.

Google Analytics comes in two versions – the free version (Standard Google Analytics) that most people have come to love, and the enterprise version – Google Analytics 360. The Standard version has many great applications, but if you need increased data limits, turnkey data integrations, advanced attribution and reporting models, the Google Analytics 360 is the one to choose.

Many organizations have needs that go beyond the capabilities of Google Analytics Standard, but how do you know when it makes sense to move to Google Analytics 360? Here is the comparison between the standard and paid versions of Google Analytics, which will help you to understand the limitations and benefits between them.

Google Analytics vs Google Analytics 360

NoFeaturesGoogle Analytics StandardGoogle Analytics 360
1Data volume capacityUp to 10 million hits per monthUp to 20 billion hits per month (0.5 billion for first pricing tier)
2Sampling limit500k sessions at the property level for the date range you are using100M sessions at view level for the date range you use
3Data freshness12 to 48 hours, depending on the intensity of your trafficLess than an hour – Max 4 hours
4Real-Time DataYes, includedYes, included
5Views per PropertyMaximum of 25 views per propertyMaximum of 400 views per property
6Maximum Rows in Data Exports500003000000
7Custom Dimensions and Metrics20 of each200 of each
8Custom Funnel ReportingNAYes, included
9BigQuery IntegrationNAYes, included
10Adwords IntegrationYes, includedYes, included
11Multi-Channel ReportingYes, includedYes, included
12Salesforce IntegrationNAYes, included
13Native data onboarding integrations withGoogle Ads, AdSense, and Search ConsoleGoogle Ads, Ad Manager, Search Console, Search Ads 360, Campaign Manager, AdSense, and Display & Video 360.
14Native remarketing integrations withGoogle AdsGoogle Ads and Display & Video 360
15Attribution ModelingBasicAdvanced
16Data Driven Attribution ModelNAYes, included
17Custom funnelsCan’t customize funnelsYes, included
18Cross-property roll-up reportingNot availableYes, included
19Support and servicesSelf-service help center and community forumsSupport, services and SLAs by Google and global partner network
20Suitable forIndividuals and small to medium-sized companiesLarger enterprises
21Payment optionsFreeInvoiced monthly

Which is Right for you: Google Analytics or Google Analytics 360?

It depends on your website data volume and future scopes. The majority of websites only need the GA standard, which is already full-fledged and capable of analyzing reasonably heavy traffic. But if the traffic goes beyond the limits can you still track it all with the free Google Analytics? The main differences between the standard and enterprise versions of Google Analytics deal with handling larger volumes of data. GA 360, being the expensive, premium version, is meant for large enterprises with websites and apps enjoying enormous traffic. We are talking about millions of users.

For Individuals and small to medium-sized companies, the Standard version of Google Analytics would be enough but for enterprises, Google Analytics 360 offers an expanded stack of basic Google Analytics features. It’s a level-up version for those who want the same Google Analytics services, with an advanced setup. With GA 360, you can utilize a mature tracking and measurement solution offered by a thorough technology stack that provides solutions against your enterprise’s full data needs. If you are still confused about choosing GA 360 or upgrading the standard GA, talk with our Google analytics certified experts. We can help you with this.

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