Largest Apple Store to open in Dubai

Posted by GMI Research Team Posted in Uncategorized

Oct 26 2015 at 4:19am

Breaking News : Largest Apple Store to open in Dubai at 4PM on 29th October 2015

No other store opening has so much a hype associated like the opening of Apple stores. To add tMall-of-Emirates-Logoo all this excitement, it’s going to be the opening of the largest Apple store. That makes this 29th October even more special. Being the first store in Middle East and the largest one, makes the anticipation of the die hard Apple understandable. Excitement is snow balling and is typical of such events, many connected to the Mall of Emirates are tight lipped.
Apple MOE Store Dubai

The Grand Opening of the Apple store is at 4 PM on 29th October 2015. On the inaugural day, the store will be open from 4:00 PM to 11:59 PM. Thereafter for the next day, the store timing will be from 10:00 AM to 11:59 PM. ( Thursday to Saturday) . All other week days it’s 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM ( Monday to Wednesday)

Gary Allen, an ardent Apple fan, has so far attended 140 store opening of Apple. His reason to travel thousands of miles to attend an opening is unique. Gary vouches for the customer experience at the Apple stores. He say’s it’s much beyond the products, but about the way Apple managers hires and coaches its retail staff. Gary explains how the new recruits at the store are trained to a memorable experience for their potential or existing customers. Gary concludes, Apple seeks people with a passionate spirit & a collaborative attitude. Neither computer hardware experience, nor retail experience is given undue emphasis!

Walk into the Apple store in the the Mall Of the Emirates on or after 29th October and you are bound to experience a delightful experience of being served, by the passionate team at the retail outlet. All Apple stores are unique in the sense, so sales incentive in terms of commission exists. Apple stores don’t have a cashier, but payments are collected! Go there to discover how it’s done. All products are on display so that you can fiddle with them and ogle at each master piece. Without having had any access to the new store undergoing finishing touches, I can say, the panels, the staircase, the glass – all elements join together to make a symphony of elegance and simplicity.

What can you expect at the Apple store at the Mall of Emirates? What is available there, which is not available at the other retailers of Apple. To start with, regular workshops are proposed to be conducted in Arabic and others in English as well. Apple LogoFor the very first time, exclusive workshops for women are being launched in the Mall of Emirates – these will be in Arabic. These workshops are basic level and are available in a range of topics like iPad, Apple music, Apple watch, iPhone, Mac, icloud etc.

If you are facing any technical issue, this can be resolved at the Apple store. Just make a reservation at the Genius bar. The wiz kids at the Genius bar quite often resolve issues during your integration with them. Yes, you don’t have to live with issues. You can get them resolved with the world class assurance from the Genius bar.

Wait no more. Schedule your trip on the 29th. Have a tryst with the brand that has stolen many hearts!!

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